a station-by-station guide for UK tourist attractions

Gainsborough Lea Road / Central

National Rail | Lea Road GBL | Central GNB

Lincolnshire Offers & Links

Lincolnshire buses:

Gainsborough is a market town on the River Trent. Most trains serve Gainsborough Lea Road station and distances are shown from this station. Gainsborough Central station has a very limited service, it is 1 mile from Lea Road station. Gainsborough Bus Station is 1 mile from Lea Road Station.

Gainsborough Lincolnshire

Gainsborough Model Railway ¾ mile

An extensive 'O' guage model railway representing the East Coast Mainline from Kings Cross to Leeds in the days of steam.
Open limited dates, see website.

Gainsborough Heritage Centre 1¼ miles

Displays and exhibits cover Gainsborough's industrial and commercial history. 20th century themed street scene with former shops, post office and domestic backyard. Tearoom.
Open Tue & Sat 1000-1600.

Gainsborough Old Hall EH 1¼ miles

Gainsborough Old Hall is one of the best preserved medieval manor houses in England. Highlights include the magnificent great hall and medieval kitchen complex. Climb the brick tower for views over the town and River Trent. Tearoom.
Open Apr-Oct Daily 1000-1700, Nov-Mar, SSu 1000-1600.

Gainsborough map
Rural Retreats
Rural Retreats
Rural Retreats