Visit by Train

A station-by-station guide for tourist attractions aims to help you plan visits by train to attractions in cities, towns, villages and the countryside. Maps show attraction locations and routes to walk, with bus services where appropriate.

Offers & Links

NEW: Northamptonshire and Rutland

NEW: more stations in Lincolnshire

Photograph of train in Kent


Stations and attractions by county:

Bedfordshire Berkshire Buckinghamshire Cambridgeshire Cornwall Devon Dorset East Sussex Essex Gloucestershire Hampshire Hertfordshire Kent Leicestershire* Lincolnshire London Norfolk Northamptonshire Nottinghamshire* Oxfordshire Rutland Shropshire* Somerset* Suffolk Surrey Warwickshire West Midlands West Sussex Wiltshire Worcestershire Yorkshire*  * limited coverage

Please see below for a map of Counties in England.


Look for a type of attraction:

NT National Trust EH English Heritage Houses, Castles and Gardens Museums and Galleries Nature Reserves and Zoos Transport and Industry Other Attractions

Special pages:

The Cotswolds The Chilterns NT Chartwell Walks by train

Queries and further information:

FAQ Contact Stations A-Z Offers & Links

Walking from the station

Allow about 5 minutes to walk each ¼ mile, the distance shown includes the grounds of the attraction. Take care walking along roads without a path: keep to the right to face oncoming traffic but cross to the outside of right-hand bends so you can see (and be seen by) approaching traffic.

Key to maps

Abbreviations used

MTWThFSSu for days of the week.
M-F Monday-Friday.
M-S Monday-Saturday.
BH Bank Holiday (public holiday), for dates see
TI Tourist Information Centre.
NT National Trust.
EH English Heritage.
LC Level Crossing.

Counties in England

Counties covered on this website are highlighted.

England counties map