a station-by-station guide for UK tourist attractions

Maidstone East
Maidstone West
Maidstone Barracks

National Rail | East MDE | West MDW | Barracks MDB

Kent Offers & Links

Maidstone is Kent's county town and on the River Medway. Download a walking trail of historic Maidstone from Maidstone River Park runs along the Medway with another trail to follow. The ¼ mile signposted path between Barracks and East stations provides a convenient interchange between Maidstone's two railway lines. Maidstone PlusBus tickets are valid within the local urban area. |

TI Maidstone Museum. Tel. 01622 602169.

Maidstone Kent

Museum & Art Gallery ½ mile (¼ mile from East station)

Displays on Maidstone's history, women's clothing through the ages, biodiversity and ecology of Kent housed in the Elizabethan Chillington Manor. Regimental Museum. Art Gallery with programme of exhibitions. Coffee shop. Admission free.
Open mid Feb-mid Dec, WThFS (Daily in school holidays) 1000-1600.

Tyrwhitt-Drake Museum of Carriages ½ mile

A large collection of horse-drawn vehicles from royal state carriages to sledges.
Open booked tours only, see website.

Kent Life 1¾ miles

An open-air attraction with reconstructed historic buildings showing life in Kent during the 19th and 20th centuries. Oast house, hop garden and hoppers' huts. Herb and kitchen gardens. Farm animals. Children's playground. Tearooms.
Open Daily from 1000, closing time varies please see website.
Follow the River Medway north to Allington Lock then turn right along Lock Lane for Kent Life.

Maidstone attractions map
Rural Retreats
Rural Retreats
Rural Retreats