Battle is the site of the famous Battle of Hastings in 1066. Notice the unusual station building - designed to match the Abbey.
Accommodation in Battle (with distance from station):
Chequers Inn (¼ mile) The George (¾ mile) Sussex
The ruins of the Abbey founded by William the Conqueror to commemorate his defeat of King Harold
in the Battle of Hastings in 1066. An audio tour of the battlefield and Abbey tells the story and
re-creates the sounds of the battle. Abbey Museum. Café.
Open Apr-Oct, Daily 1000-1700. Nov-Mar, SSu (also WThF in Mar) 1000-1600.
The history of the area and the town which grew up around the Abbey.
Local iron and gunpowder industries. Gardens.
Open Apr-Oct, M-F 1000-1615.